Friday, August 28, 2015

Yes, I Have an Attitude

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.”   Colossians 3:15

Some people say I have an attitude.  I do.  I have an attitude of gratitude.  I am thankful.  I have a blessed life, I walk in favor.  I know that the blessings and favor are not because of who I am, but they are because of whose I am.  I serve a great God, who loves me and makes certain that I know it. 
I want to tell you some of the things I’m grateful for.  Warning, some of you may not be ready for the things I’m about to share and some may not believe them.  That’s ok.  Those of you who aren’t ready, can tune back in next week for another topic.  Those of you who don’t believe are welcome to try God for yourself.  I rely on Him, so He takes care of me.  He is willing to do the exact same thing for you.

·        One night in the 1960’s, I was riding in a car with my Mom and my Dad’s brother, Uncle Ray.  Mom was driving.  We were all in the front seat, and I was in the middle.  I was small and it was before seatbelt requirements.  As we rode, Uncle Ray says, “Where is the train?”  Mom says, “What train?”  At that moment, the car was hit by a moving train that for some reason had been traveling without head lights.  The car lifted up in the air, spun like a top, then came to rest some distance from the tracks.  When police and ambulance arrived to attend to passengers of the car that had been in the head-on collision with the train, they couldn’t believe it was us.  The car sustained damage, but there was not a scratch on any of us.  I AM GRATEFUL!

·        When I was a teenager (right at that age when I started to look like an adult, trying to act like an adult, and made the mistake of thinking I was adult), in two separate incidents, high school acquaintances were kidnapped, then found dead.  One was a dear friend.  Several months later, I was taken.  I was terrorized for a time.  Then the abductor said to me, “You’ve seen my face.  If I let you go, are you going to tell anyone?”  Of course I said, ‘NO!”  He looked at me really strangely then told me he believed me and actually let me go.  I AM GRATEFUL!

·        In 1986, I had surgery to remove a fibroid tumor in my abdomen.  When I went back for a check-up, my doctor said to me, “There’s my miracle girl!”  I inquired what in the world he was talking about.  He shared with me what happened when I was on the operating table.  As the surgeon was working on me, there was a major drop in my blood pressure.  The team realized that I was hemorrhaging.  I was losing blood at such a rate that they didn’t expect I would live if I didn’t have an immediate blood transfusion.  The surgeon sent for blood.  It arrived, but just before they started the transfusion, one of the techs noticed that my blood pressure was rising.  It was rising at a rate faster than I had previously lost blood.  My doctor told me that none of them had ever seen anything like that happen before, so they just stood back and watched as my blood levels and pressure normalized, then stabilized with no help from them.  He told me that it was apparent to him that God had His hand on my life!  If you recall, 1986 was during the time when there was a rash of people contracting the HIV virus from tainted blood.  God only knows what all I was saved from by not having that transfusion.  I AM GRATEFUL!

You might be thinking, these are old stories so what has God done for you lately?  If you are so inclined, ask me.  You know how to find me.  I am more than willing to share my testimony and my attitude of gratitude with you.   

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