Friday, April 3, 2015

Much Too High A Price

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  John 3:16

The love that God has for us is some over the top kind of love.  Consider how unkind and unsympathetic we can be to each other at times , and how negligent and plain old sinful we can be towards Him -- He still loves us enough to have given His absolute best for us.  Would you do that….for anyone?  Would you do that for someone who doesn’t spend time with you, puts everything and everyone else ahead of you, takes time to speak to you only when they want something from you?  Would you do it for someone who takes all the good you have, but doesn’t give back?  Would you do it for someone who doesn’t acknowledge you buts acts like they are entitled to everything you have – but blames you and complains like a magpie when things don’t go their way?  Father God sent His Son, Jesus, to suffer so we don’t have to.  Would you send your child to slaughter for someone who treats you the way we tend to treat God?  It boggles the mind, but I thank God for His love and mindfulness toward us.

Today is called Good Friday to remind us of the goodness of God to send His Son to die for us because of His great love. We remember that Jesus willingly suffered and died by crucifixion as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. It is followed by Resurrection Day (Easter), the celebration of the ultimate victory of Jesus Christ over sin and death. 

When I was a teenager, Larnelle Harris released a song called “Much Too High A Price”.  It’s an oldie but I love that song.  I love it because it inspires me to press on, to live the life that Christ shed His blood and gave His life for me to have.  Take a few minutes, if you will, and ponder the words to this song.  Or click the YouTube link and listen with your eyes closed:

 Much Too High A Price

Your love endured the cross
Despising all the shame
That afternoon when midnight fell
Your suffering cleared my name
And that sin-swept hill became
The open door to paradise
The cost was great yet you paid the price

You paid much too high a price for me
In tears and blood and pain
To have my soul just stirred at times
Yet never truly change
You deserve a fiery love
That won't ignore your sacrifice
Because you paid much too high a price

Your grace inspires my heart
To rise above the sin
Of all the earthly vanity
That seeks to draw me in
Then to tell a jaded world of love
That truly saved a life
A love that paid
Much too high a price

Consider the love of God, the sacrifice of Jesus.  God gave His best. Jesus gave His all.  What will you give?  How will you live?  Will His sacrifice for you be in vain?

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