Friday, April 24, 2015

TRIBUTE to Lester Steen (15 Jan 1931 – 19 April 2015)

(Pictures Follow Post)
My sweet husband, Pastor Arland, has a sweet family.  He and his wonderful sister, Sharon – whom I call “Sissy”, are blessed with a rich legacy of warm and loving followers of Christ from both sides of their family tree.  Last year, I had the pleasure of going to South Carolina to meet members of their mother’s family in the spring and to Minnesota and Iowa to meet members of their father’s family in the fall.  Both welcomed me in a way that has forever sealed them in my heart.  I am proud to have been graphed in to, both, the Saleeby and Steen families.  But since both of their parents, Louise and Merlin Steen, went to be with the Lord before I met Arland, I still had a void in the part of my heart that was reserved for mother and father-in-law.  That’s where Lester Steen stepped in.

Lester Steen is the younger brother of Arland and Sharon’s father, Merlin.  They were 2 of 4 brothers along with Carsten and Arthur, with 1 sister, Crystal.  When Merlin transitioned from this life, Lester extended a fatherly covering to Arland & Sharon AND to me. He made the deliberate effort to do so even before I had the opportunity to meet him.  He made it a point to include me on calls he made to Arland.  He included me on cards, letters and even gifts he sent.  He always let us know that he was praying for us.  The area of void in my heart began to fill.  When I finally met Uncle Les, the largeness of the love he showed me filled that area to overflowing. He hugged me like he had known me all of my life, he held my hand while we talked.  When we took family pictures I sat with him.  He became a father-in-law to me.  I received a letter from Uncle Les a few months ago.  The letter told me how much he loved me and felt close to me, even though we had been acquainted a relatively short time.  He thanked me for coming into the family, for loving Arland, and reminded me that he was always praying for me.  Knowing that you are loved in the way that Lester Steen gave love can give you wings.  It is not a surprise that his children Bob, Bill and Barb are all lovely, wonderful people.  I get warm fuzzies whenever I think of any one of them.  Lester Steen leaves an amazing legacy of love with all who were blessed to have made his acquaintance, but especially with those of us who are part of his family.
"This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."  John 15:12


The rest of this blog installment is written by a guest blogger by the name of Sharon Steen - my sister-in-law, my “Sissy”.  This is her tribute to Uncle Les and encouragement to her cousins (but I’m going to take some for myself):

‘”So many thoughts and things I could say about my dear uncle Les. He was such a sweet person, humble, gentle, thoughtful, loving, the list could go on and on as I know you all well know.

When my dad passed away he did his best to fill his place in many ways. He was giving when I know he didn't have a lot to give, but did it anyway out of love and concern for me. We had such inspiring conversations about heaven and the joy of seeing Jesus one day. That was what he lived for, to lead others to know Jesus as he did. And I'm sure you can all agree he did an excellent job. He led with his life.

I would encourage each of my cousins to help carry the legacy that our parents have left us with pride.  That legacy is one of strong faith and endurance to run the race set before us with joy and never giving up on the prize - seeing Jesus one day soon and all our loved ones face to face once again. Oh, what a happy day! Love you all.”

Uncle Les' Bible and Prayer List
(Yes, Sharon & I are both on the List!)
Uncle Les and His Children
(Clockwise from Top - Bill, Bob & Barb)
Uncle Les and Barbara A. Steen - Cutest St. Patrick's Day Pic Ever!
(Wife of Grandson, Ryan)
Uncle Les Looking Good


1 comment:

  1. What an awesome legacy left by Uncle Les on pray and family. We can all learn something by his life. He set a great example. I wish I could of met him.
