Friday, May 1, 2015

Forgiveness (Dealing with Offense)

“And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.  But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.”  Mark 11:25-26

Jesus said it and it’s very plain.  If you have ANYTHING against ANYONE, forgive them.  If you’re not going to forgive, God’s forgiveness is not available to you.  Once again, the Lord instructs us to do something that sounds like a heavy command.  But, forgiveness is really a burden lifter. It is a gift to us.  As we forgive others, we are released from the burden of carrying the anger, pain, and resentment of whatever wrong was done to us.  Once the offence is given to God, we no longer have to carry the dread of the offender and we are free to love them the way God wants us to.  

What happens when we don’t forgive, when we hold on to offense caused by the actions of another?  When someone disrespects or hurts us, or does something that you don’t agree with or consider unacceptable, the natural inclination is to be offended.  When you are offended, holding on to feelings of hurt or disrespect, where is your focus?  In those times, your focus is on YOU!  That is the trap.  It is exactly what the enemy intended.    Assaults against you, your sensitivities and those you care about are designed by the enemy to cause you to take your eyes off Christ. 

The word ‘offense’ is from the Greek word ‘skandalon’.  Skandalon is bait of a trap, a snare, or a stumbling block.  Think about it, you’re walking along with a praise song in your heart, headed to a seat in the sanctuary when Sister In-A-Bigger-Hurry-Then You rushes up and shoves you out of the way & into a wall, so she can get to a seat.  (This has happened to me in church.)  When you realize what has been done to you, where does your mind go?  The trap has been baited, and what happens next is up to you.  You could grab Sister I-A-B-H-T-Y by the back of her neck, tell her off with righteous indignation, and label her as an inconsiderate, rude person that you and yours don’t want anything to do with.  Or you could forgive the sister and continue on your way without your progress being hindered.  Forgiveness doesn’t mean that the wrong done to you is acceptable, it just means that you are not bound, hindered or defined by it. You leave it where it needs to be – between the offender and God.

It is not always easy, but since the Lord told us to forgive it has to be possible.  He said, “If you have anything against anyone, forgive him”.  So what do you do when it seems that you just can’t get there? Forgive in faith.   Take being offended captive and submit it to the obedience of Jesus Christ.  I admit, I’ve had times when I’ve prayed, “Lord God, I’m having a hard time with this, so I’m giving to you.  I choose to forgive in faith.  And every time the enemy tries to remind of this offense, I am going to turn my thoughts to You.  I thank You for the gift of forgiveness, so I don’t have to carry the burden of what’s been done to me.  In the name of Jesus, I pray.  Amen!”  

Live a life of forgiveness.  As you focus on Jesus, trust Him to release you from the prison of hurt, dread, and the burden of wrongs done to you. 





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