Friday, May 29, 2015

You Need What?

"And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.  Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever.  Amen."  Philippians 4:19, 20
This week, my blog post will piggy-back on Pastor Arland’s weekly email because the message was just so good.  We do collaborate in our writing sometimes, but I don’t generally take his whole message and insert it into mine.  But again, it was just so good.  And, well, didn’t the marriage ceremony make the two of us one?  With consideration to that truth, it was mine anyway.  Right?    So, I will just proceed on that basis. 

As you all know, Living Well Church is currently having weekly Bible Study with our Launch Team Members and Small Groups.  Our official launch will be September 13 of this year.  It is a huge undertaking.  There are many things that need to be arranged, purchased, and coordinated before that happens.   It can cause the mind to be bombarded with a boat load of questions:   What if this is a pipe dream?  What if nobody comes?  Where will we find the right worship leader or children’s director?  How does everything get paid for?  However, the story of the exodus serves as a great reminder that God has more provision than we can imagine and He know how to meet us at the point of our need.

 Moses led 3½ million people into the desert. That is 3,500,000 people.  Think about what it would take to support that many people.   According to the U.S. Army’s Quartermaster General:

·        Moses would need to provide a minimum of 1500 tons of food per day – picture filling two freight trains, each a mile long

·        Around 4,000 tons of firewood was needed per day to cook the food

·        If they only used enough to drink and wash a few dishes (no bathing), they would still need 11,000,000 gallons per day - that’s enough to fill a train of tanker cars 1800 miles

·        Every time they camped at the end of the day, a campground the size of Rhode Island was required – about 750 square miles

  JEHOVAH-JIREH was faithful to care for them throughout their journey! 

The likelihood that Moses sat down and figured out supply chain & logistics for his God given assignment before he set out from Egypt is unlikely.  And thank God, it was unnecessary.   Because for forty years Moses trusted their lives to the provision of God’s covenant.  We can take courage, as we serve the very same God - but we have a better covenant based on better promises (Hebrews 8:6).  With that in mind, we have faith that He will provide for the mission He set before us. 




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