Friday, June 12, 2015

Prizes and Rewards

‘“For I will surely deliver you … but your life shall be as a prize (reward) to you, because you have put your trust in Me,” says the Lord.’  Jeremiah 39:18
When people see me, many say the most obvious thing about me is my smile.  I smile because I have peace in my life and I have joy.  Peace and joy are good things!!  These good things are prizes and rewards from God that add fulfillment to my life.  Why is God rewarding me?  It’s not because I’m any more special or He loves me more than anyone else.  He rewards me simply because I choose to Trust Him!  I like prizes and rewards so I made the conscious, deliberate decision -- I choose to trust Him.  
A person’s life is made up of a culmination of their choices.  But of course, there are some things that happen that we don’t choose.  John 16:33 tells us that in this world we will have tribulation.  It is a fact, bad stuff is going to happen.  But how we choose how to respond to that stuff, those situations, and those people who caused them will make the difference in our lives.  Choose to trust God enough to handle the unpleasant things (and unpleasant people) according to the way He teaches us to handle them in His word.  You will have some hard times, but they won’t be the things that define you.  AND you will be rewarded for your trust.
When we trust and keep choosing to trust, it becomes a lifestyle.  That’s what we want.  I don’t claim to be perfect at it.  I admit that I find it easier to trust in some areas than others.  But the more you trust, the more you will see the result of that trust - the more you’ll be rewarded and the more you will want to trust.  The more you do it, the easier it becomes.
Do you need changes in your life? 
o   Make the decision - CHOOSE to trust the Lord enough to handle things according to His word.  Handle things the way He says they should be handled.  It may defy natural logic and it may be unpopular, but know that He is the omnipotent one who sees from the beginning to the end.  He knows how to work things out for your good.
o   Speak your choice to trust the Lord.  Declare it.  Confess it regularly.  The more you say what you've chosen, the more trusting God will become a natural part of you.
o   Remind yourself of past and current blessings.  God can be trusted if we have the courage to give ourselves over to Him.  It’s when we go off on our own that we find ourselves stressed and in trouble. 
o   Encourage yourself in the Lord.  Spend time with Him in prayer, praise and worship.  Study His word.
Doing these things will cause you to develop a lifestyle of trust in God.  His rewards will follow.  HE PROMISED!!!!

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