Friday, June 26, 2015

Do You Have A Good Name?

I like to write these blog articles a bit in advance, but sometimes I feel inspired to wait.  Here it is 6:30 today and I am writing fast and furious to meet my deadline.  However, I am glad I waited.  Today, I was inspired as I attended a retirement luncheon for a friend.  As I listened to the accolades piled upon her, I realized that every kind thing said about her was not only kind, but it was true.  According to her up line management, she was a perfect employee.  PERFECT.  According to the team that worked with her, she was hardworking, a reliable source of information and support.  According to those she mentored, she lovingly guided them, preparing them for challenges ahead. 
I worked with this friend for 10 years.  She was my Lead person for 6 of those years.  I had another Lead for a short while, but I immediately requested that my re-assignment be reversed. This was not because she was my friend.  It was because during the time I worked with her, I saw the spirit of excellence with which she approached every task.  I saw that she is a person of integrity, and realized that she is a woman to be respected and admired.  Her name is Tracy Sheeley.
I have observed that when people hear Tracy’s name, one of two things happen.  Either they are excited to have a person of such high caliber on their team, or they look for a way out of interacting with her.  Tracy is what a former manager has referred to as ‘refreshingly direct’ and dealing with her is not for the faint of heart.  However, I love the fact that whatever comes from Tracy’s mouth is going to be the truth, no spin, no non-sense.  I know that I can trust what she ways.  Tracy has chosen to live a life of good character.  She conducts herself in such a way that it has earned her a good reputation, a good name.    
Proverbs 22:1 says that, “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches.”
Ecclesiastes 7:1 says, “A good name is better than precious perfume.”
According to God’s word, choosing a good name (choosing to live in a way that yields a good reputation) is more important than having great riches.  That’s because in God’s eyes, it is more important who you are than what you have.  You are more important to Him than your stuff.
Have you ever considered what happens when people hear your name?  Do you have a good name?  If so, praise God.  But if not, it’s time to be honest about who you are and what you do – no spin, no non-sense.  It’s easy to blame someone else for bad press spread about you.  And if others truly are fabricating tales about you and have caused your name to be tarnished, take heart in the fact that lies will always be unseated by the truth.   Don’t expect it to happen overnight, but don’t lose heart.  As you continue to choose like Tracy Sheeley to live a life of purpose, integrity, and excellence, your good name will emerge like a precious perfume. 

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