Friday, July 3, 2015

For or Against?

I don’t know about you, but I want to be known by what I’m for, rather than what I’m against.  I love that saying, but I cannot take credit for it.  I read it on Facebook.  Then at last night’s Bible Study, Pastor Arland was sharing about the culture of Living Well Church that will be launched in September of this year.  He said his intent is for Living Well Church to be known by what we are for rather than we are against.  If you have ever read the church vision statement, you know what we are for.  We are for Jesus Christ and we are for people.  “We love without condition to form lasting relationships tailored to unleash limitless potential in Christ.”

We are for people.  It means that we love people -- all kinds of people.  It does not mean that we love only people who are just like us.  Of course we do love people who are like us, but we also love people who don’t look, think, or believe like us.  Contrary to popular opinion, it is possible to love someone that you don’t agree with.  Have you ever disagreed with something that your child wanted to do?  It didn’t mean that you didn’t love the child, it simply meant you didn’t agree that what they were interested in doing or having was the best thing for them.  A side-effect of loving someone is wanting the best for them. 

We live in a society that seems to be polarized on every issue of life.  One believes X and feels that if others don’t agree, they are hateful and bigoted.   Another believes Y and feels that if others don’t agree, they are unintelligent or uninformed.  And yet another believes Z and feels that if others don’t agree, they are just going to hell.  We need to take the time to see people as individuals….each one of us are someone’s son or daughter, someone’s mother or father.  We are all individuals that are so loved by God, that He sacrificed His best for us.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes on Him will have everlasting life.”   John 3:16   

God gave His Son to die for the sins of people in the world.  Yep, I said it.  The “S” word – SIN.  I said it because the Bible said it.  People can get all wrapped around the axle when someone uses that word, not understanding what sin really is.  Sin is separation from God.  If the route you’ve decided to take is take is different from the one God designed for you, it is sin.  It doesn’t mean that you are necessarily wicked and evil, though you could be.   It means that you have chosen to separate yourself from the things of God.  This is not to point the finger at anyone because one way or another, we’ve all done it at some point….we’ve all fallen short.  But why would it make God any difference how you live your life?  It makes a difference to Him because He loves you and wants the very best for you. 

 “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11

You’ve got to know that only someone who cares about you would say that.  You are loved.  God truly is for you, He is not against you. 

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