Friday, April 10, 2015

Scriptural View of Interracial Marriage - Part I

Forgive me for doing this, but I must break this post into two installments.  I appreciate your support, so I want to be respectful of your time.  This topic is important to me for reasons that are obvious, but more important than the obvious reason is because there are those who would seek to deceive us about the character of God.  How dare someone bring reproach on the name of my God accusing Him of being a respecter of persons on the basis of color?  That is going too far!


Pastor Arland is from a line of proud Norwegians and, what is not as apparent, a line of strong Lebanese Christians. I am descended from noble Black tribes of Africa, and a number of non-black influences from here in these Unites States.  Both of us were born here, and are patriotic American citizens.  We vote and pay taxes.  However, more than anything else, both of us find our identity in Christ.  “In Him we live, and move, and have our being.”  But we knew it would be only a matter of time before someone took issue with the fact of our differing ethnic backgrounds – the fact of Arland’s ‘whiteness’ and my ‘blackness’ - then attempt to justify their racism with the Bible.  That day has come. 

Imagine a world where everything we encountered had exactly the same color and texture.  How long would it take for you to become bored out of your mind?  Being the creative genius He is, God put variation in every physical thing He made.   He alone is capable of placing any of an infinite number of variations in an organism and still have that organism remain the same species as another.  He proved that with flowers, trees, members of the animal kingdom and with human beings.  Some attempt to place values on the variations that He provided, but many times ‘different is just different – not necessarily better or worse’. 

Race, ethnicity, and skin color are areas where some get tied up in knots, bent out of shape, and hot under the collar trying to place value judgements on variations associated with one group or another.  I call that a colossal waste of time because God has already addressed those issues in His word.  The color of a person’s skin has never been an issue to God, He made us all.  He loves us all.  He does, however, have an issue with our being unequally yoked with unbelievers.  And that is not because He doesn’t love unbelievers, but because it increases the possibility of being enticed away from Him.  And we all know that unbelievers come in a wide range of colors.

Consider the fact of Moses’ marriage to and children with an Ethiopian (Cushite) woman, Zipporah.  Consider God’s swift response when Moses’ sister and brother spoke against her.  Racism was unacceptable to God then, and it remains unacceptable to Him now.  The Lord had no issue with that union because Zipporah and her family were believers in the one true God.  


Please join me next week for the conclusion of this post.


1 comment:

  1. I agree with your comments whole hardheartedly. I am not in an "inter-racial" marriage. However, I believe the race of the person in not the most important thing in choosing a mate. Yes, some have preferences and that is fine but don't make someone else's selection of a mate of a different race your business. In the body of Christ we are charged to not be unequally yoked with unbelievers not those of different ethnic backgrounds. I would rather have a friend/love one in a loving relationship with someone of a different ethnic background that treated them with love respect as described in the bible vs. someone of the same race who treated them with disrespect etc.,. Those in leadership should take notice because they will have to answer to God. They may want to incorporate the slogan that came out a few years ago "What would Jesus Do".
